Monday, October 22, 2007

Winnipeg in the 80's

So I am taking a short break from my studying to make a quick post. I am sitting in the Library listening to 80's rock, poison to be specific on the i-pod and I had a flashback to 1988. I was living in Winnipeg in grade 11 at the time. In my flashback I was getting off the metro bus, in the winter to go to my after school job. I worked across the street from the CN railroad station sweeping floors at an electronics warehouse. It was so weird, I was just transported there so clearly. I ended up getting fired from the job as I was a lazy a#@ and didn't do a very good job sweeping. I have attached a picture of what I can remember the bus and the day looked like, as well as what I looked like back in the day with my friend Jeff. I am thankfull we grow up.

Anyway, back to studying.


Anonymous said...

what's really funny is the first picture...because you couldn't alter it at all to make it look different from 1988.
looks like another 1988 soon to come - you know, winnipeg transit, polo park, winter.....

Anonymous said...

i needed a laugh today - after coming on your blog i got it. your a funny guy phil - sweet photo.

Anonymous said...

I think the only thing missing was your hot pink jacket.