Friday, September 08, 2006


So here is a funny/wired story that one my good friends Lars encouraged me to post. The other day I was at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. I was talking to a pastor there about church stuff and just getting to know them a bit better when who walks in the room wearing a t-shirt that says HEATHEN across it, Mark Driscoll. This was my 1st up close and personal encounter with Driscoll and all I could do was laugh and say "nice shirt." I don't know if I got a response, but I am pretty sure that he just wanted to punch me in the face.

Anyway, Mark is a great teacher, but pushes the bounds a bit, oh, did I say a bit? I meant a ton. Anyway, that is my funny quirky story for the week.



Anonymous said...

Haha....Nice story. Plus you have a beautiful family

Anonymous said...

LOL! I'd love to get your take on him when you are in town next week. Later!

The Erickson Family said...

Phil, can you please e-mail me the family photo you have on you "profile"? Thanks!

~ Shannon (

D.J. Cimino said...

I'm glad the ultra-conservative reformed blogoshpere hasn't heard about Driscoll wearing that shirt... they would have a cow!