Friday, June 22, 2007

Costa Freaka Rica

Well we are into our 1st cycle of teams in Costa Rica and so far so good. The church is from Marysville, WA and we have worked with them since 1999 in Mexico with Mission Adventures. It is great to have them here as they are good friends and a great team. There are 23 of them all together and are here till the 29th of June. Our schedule is very busy as we are building a house in the day time for a family and we have meetings at night from 6:30 till 10:00. The building is going great so far. Today we are going to finish putting up the walls and start on the roof. In the meetings we are challenging the students to "Wake Up" and find out what God's call is on their lives. We are talking a lot about different social injustice issues and what our responsibility in that is.

The weather here is very consistent. It is beautiful and sunny all day until approx. 3:00 and then it just dumps down rain until about 6 or so. As a result, we are leaving for the work site at 8:00 so that we can get a good amount of work in before it rains. Please continue to pray for us and the girls (Emma and Abby) for health, safety and that they have a great missions experience with us.

As always, we appreciate you and your involvement, to whatever extent that may be, with us and in our ministry with YWAM.


Phil, Amy, Emma, Abby.


Chris Whitler said...

I get to teach "Wake up, dead man"! I'll be back in the 'Peg soon to teach the Lazarus stuff...and I just found out that the worship leader canceled so I'll be doing double duty. Should be fun.

I never used the hose in Thailand. I always had my familiar paper option. Now I'm feeling like I missed out. How does it work? Do you entirely remove your clothing? I think we're going back in November...perhaps I'll give it a try.

Trevor said...

Loving the pictures of your kids! I hope that you really enjoy your time down spite of the coffee problem.

Lynette Polinder said...

I always wanted a goat when I was little. Are you planning on bringing one back to Seattle for Emma? Just think, everymorning you could pour goat milk on your cereal. hmmmm.

Wandering FOX said...

LOVE this photo. Perfect in every way. And ps- I think Emma is holding the solution to your coffee-creamer problem!