Friday, January 27, 2006

High King of Heaven

I was reading today in Celtic Daily Prayer about Jesus being our High King of Heaven. It realy struck me that so many times in my life He is not king, He is just there. I would never say that out loud, even though I just did, but in my actions so many times I show that is how I feel. Today it really frightened me. If He is not my King then why am I serving Him and if He is then I need to serve Him like a King.
Last night I prayed that Jesus would take me out of the season that I am in. It has been a season of disobedience and apathy. I just haven't been taking Him seriously, but I want Him to bless me and help me to feel close to Him all the same. I have been a real hypocrite. Today as I read and prayed "High King of Heaven" I had a brain numbing idea, why don't I make Him my High King instead of just screwing around.
This may seem simple to you, but I usually have to come to this humbling realization at least once a year. It is not that I backslide, it is just that I get lazy. I don't want to be lazy in my faith. God forbid I would just live out this life in a la ti da way and just get through it. I don't want to be legalistic either, I just want to walk with Jesus. How can I expect to walk with Him if I don't take Him seriously? How can I expect to get to know Him and His heart if I don't spend time with Him? And how can I expect to lead anyone else if I am not even letting Jesus lead me?
I know that this is a lot of stuff and I am just ranting a little bit, but someone has to.

1 comment:

carly smith said...

hey phil,
just wanted to touch base with you and let you know i'm doing well, the "dentist thing" (aka 6 hour surgery....) went well, perfectly according to the surgeon. i'm putting pics up on my blog tomorrow, so be sure and check em out!!
hope to hear from you soon!
love to your family!!
go seahawks!!!