Monday, September 17, 2007

The Farmers Marked and Crab

On Saturday the girls and I went down to the U-District Farmers Market to get some produce. I love the Farmers Market. It is just this cool place where people of all kinds are congregating at the same place to get good, fresh, local grown fruit, vegetables and everything else. We picked up some asparagus, some strawberries, squeaky cheese and Amy’s favorite, carrots straight out of the garden.

After that we drove 30 miles N. to Marysville as I was speaking and hanging out with a group of college students. They had rented this sweet retreat house overlooking the Pueget Sound. After we were done they asked if I wanted any crab as they had caught a bunch earlier in the day. So we had fresh, free crab for dinner on Saturday night with our friends Gordon and Deborah. I was a little disappointed that they didn't scream when I dropped them in the boiling water, maybe that is just lobster. Anyway, it was a great day and a good weekend. I hope yours was a blessing as well.


Josh and Jen said...

hurray for farmers' markets! i love them and am so jealous you have one right near you. i guess even if we had one here they would only sell okra and summer squash.... we did eat some AWESOME bbq today though.....hope you guys are great!

amanda.jolene said...

hey...never thought i'd say this, but i'm ready for a new blog!! haha. i can't believe the last time you blogged was on the 17th.....usually you max out at like 1 day in between!