Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thought for the Week: Piece Of Mind

Wow, I managed to squeeze an Iron Maiden picture into my blog that went with the theme of this weeks post. Well, that is stretching it a bit, I feel like I am back in High School trying to think of any excuse to justify Maiden as I go about in my tight 501's and black Harley T-Shirt as my mom wouldn't let me wear rock shirts. No visual of that age required.

Anyway, I was talking to a friend yesterday about my life and what he thinks of what I am doing. He thought it sounded good, but thought that I was called or gifted to do something else. Not something totally different than the direction that I am headed, but a little different. Anyway, I spent a long time thinking about the advice, good advice at that, my friend gave me as I respect him and his opinion and wisdom. I came to the conclusion today thought that I am fully convinced in my own mind (Iron Maiden Piece of Mind album tie in) that I am following what God has placed on my heart.

The thing about me is that I am easily swayed like waves, James 1 speaks about this in the bible. I have been praying that God will give me vision, passion and goals and not be swayed from what God wants for me by others. I want to have others speak into my life, but I want to know that I am confident that I am doing what God wants so that even if people say I am wrong, or crazy I can still be strong in my call.

I guess that is my thought for the week. It is that we be fully convinced in our minds of what God has called us to regardless of what others say. This doesn't mean that we don't have to listen to others, the are in our lives to help us, but we need to listen to God first. I have been doing better in this and feeling less guilty and selfish for it. I encourage you to follow God's call on your life, which you will know by what you are passionate about and what you think about most. Do this regardless and I will do the same.


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