Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Half Way There

According to the United Nations, more than half of Africa's population lacks access to clean water. That's three hundred sixty million people. A couple of my friends decided to do something to change this horrible statistic. They came up with a t-shirt idea that can bring clean, pure water to villages in Africa. They are calling it Halfway There The reason for the name is that half of the African population is still in need of pure water. What they are doing is selling these t-shirts (they are not sleeveless as the picture shows) to people and all the proceeds goes towards drilling wells in Africa.

My friends home group came up with the idea and now Mission Adventures is behind it as well. God is definitely behind what these guy’s are doing. When they went to their fabric guy to see how much it would be for shirts he told them that he had to make a profit, so his profit is going to be $.01. Then they went to the printer and he told them that they only needed to pay for the ink. Finally they went to their web designer and they told them they would put the page up for free. This is amazing.

When I read in the scripture about what God wants from us I see a lot of things. The one thing that I feel that we miss a lot though is where it talks over and over again about being active in our faith. Looking after orphans and widow's (James 1). Showing mercy to others (James 2). Caring for the sick and visiting the imprisoned and feeding the hungry and clothing the naked (Matthew 25). Christianity is not just about growing in the Lord and having a good quiet time and telling people about Jesus, although these things are part of it, but it is also about caring for Gods people.

I encourage you to go to the site and see about purchasing a shirt and being a part of something bigger than yourself. I realize there are lot's of ways to get involved in injustice issues, so if you are doing something already thank you. But if you are not doing anything you can start here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can i buy them from you? they are out of stock on the site.
