Wednesday, May 09, 2007


It is 4:20pm in Cambodia right now and 2:20am back home on the west coast. Today was a very hard day for me. The team that I am hosting from my home church in Winnipeg went to a hospital to do some visitations, bring food and drink, and pray for the sick. I have never had an easy time seeing the poor and the sick, but they are people who are close to God's heart and so it needs to be close to mine. Today however was harder than most.

We passed by an outside hallway, where they keep the trauma and burn patients. I looked over and saw this beautiful little girl with burns all over her backside and between her legs. It was horrible to look at, but I could not turn away. I wondered what Christ would do in this situation and thought that He would just go over to her, sit beside her and weep over her pain. So that is what I did.

The little girl was 2 1/2 years old. She was playing in the kitchen kicking a ball 3 day's ago when she backed into a pot of boiling water. One minute she was just being a little kid and the next her life drastically changed. Why her? Why such a beautiful, innocent little girl? Why not me? All these questions rushed through my head. She was laying naked on a banana leaf on top of a wooden cot with an iv in her head giving her liquid and hopefully medication. I saw her wake up a couple of times and wince in pain, but her mother soothed her back to sleep as only a mother could.

I asked the mom through our translator how long she would be in the hospital and she told me two days because they didn't have enough money to pay for the food. The food was $2.50 per day. It broke my heart to hear that this little girl and her mom had to go home because they couldn't afford the $2.50 per day hospital bill. Trevor, the youth pastor reached into his pocked and gave the mom $10.00. As she grabbed it I saw her little girl wince in pain once again and once again saw her mom soothe her to sleep.

Dear Jesus, this was only one child, one child out of millions in this beautiful country that suffers daily because of the selfishness and dictatorship of one man, Pol Pot. Please continue to heal this nation and bring it back on it's feet. Raise up doctors, raise up business, raise up workers to advance the beautiful kingdom of yours in Cambodia. Please continue to pray for the healing of this little girl.

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