Sunday, June 10, 2007

Off to Costa Rica

Tomorrow our family is off to Costa Rica for the summer to partner with and help start Mission Adventures training there. We have been taking teams to Costa Rica for the last 5 years, but this year instead of running the training portion of the trip in Seattle, we will be partnering with the Costa Ricans and running the training there. We will be working there for 6 weeks and hosting 83 participants from three different youth groups from Canada and USA.

Our first week there we will be working with my good friend Brandon from Marysville, WA. We will be building a house for a family there. Here is the email that I received from Alvaro about the family. "Hey Phil, here are some pictures of the old house, Memo and other guy are making a mess as you will see in the picture, what we are going to do is to leave the half walls that we can re-use, and they will also build a new floor. Also in one of the pictures you can see the lady and her 2 daughters, by the way she have 14 kids, amazing isn't it? That lady is leaving with her daughter of 26 years old, the girl works but per month she gets paid like $130 USD. and her mom, the owner of the house works only sometimes when she cooks bread and sells it. We also talked to the Mayor of the city the house is in and she was very open Arturo & I talked to her, she was very open and gave us all the permission to build the house". I am very excited to be a part of this families life.

This summer l will also be speaking on the Mission Adventures program in Los Angeles and Ensenada, Mexico. Amy and the girls will also have some time in Canada with family as her older brother and his wife are having a wedding reception. It will be busy, but we hope to see lives changed, our marriage grow, Abby walk and Emma learn spanish. Good times will be had. Please keep us in your prayers and we will keep you updated. Thanks.

One more thing that I wanted to mention. I was reading my friend Chris Whitler's blog and I was blown away by what he is doing in their ministry.

1 comment:

Chris Whitler said...

Thanks for the comment and the propers! Man, your summer is going to be awesome and I'll be reading the whole way. Thanks for your open way of encourages me so much. I just talked to Linda, she's stoked about the possibility of Canada. Blessings on your preparations! C