Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Busy and Tired

I am tired. I feel like I am sitting in heavy traffic and just can't wait to get home. You know that feeling where you just feel rushed and want to be in a quiet place with no thoughts or stress? I kinda feel like that. It has been a busy week here in my world. I have enjoyed it in that there is growth happening in my life and in the lives of the people I work with, but it is still crazy. Today I received an email from a youth pastor wanting to bring her youth to an outreach that we are running this summer in the Gulf Coast. I just wanted to scream NOOOOOO, no more work. But, the work is good. God is blessing us. He is giving us favor and responsibility. I am tired, but I want the Lord to continue to do His work in me. I don't want to stop, yet I really want to stop.

Jesus, I love you. Thank you for the favor you are giving me and the YWAMers I work with. I am excited about what is going on. Please give me strength to hold on and stay invested. I need your help. It is exciting, but it is hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This picture looks alot like the street outside our house. Is this in Kolkata?

Love reading your Bog Bro!