Tuesday, March 20, 2007

CBC Radio 3

If you're like me you are sick of the radio and hearing the same music over and over and over and over again. During this season of Lent I have been intentionally not listening to the radio, with the exception of the news and it has been great. It has pushed me to pray more, to think more and to engage more with the people in the car with me. The other think it has done is relieve me of listening to crappy music.

For a while now I have been downloading the weekly podcast of CBC Radio 3, an independant Canadian music podcast. It is so new and refreshing to hear this music. There is a part of me that thinks I like it just because I am from Canada and it is in my blood, but the other day I was talking to my friend Scott Bothell at dodgball and he loves it too. In fact, as I am writing this I am listening to a band from Edmonton called Shout Out Out Out Out and loving it. Another band that I have been enjoying is Mother Mother.

Each week CBC Radio 3 plays 60 minutes of new music. Not so much new to Canada, but to us outside of Canada. They play all sorts of music from rock, dance, techno, hip hop and country.

Anyway, just a bit of newness for those of you who are looking. I hope you go and check it out and I hope you enjoy new and creative Canadian music.


Anonymous said...

I love CBC Radio.

Chris Whitler said...

Hey, I didn't want to leave this comment on one of your serious posts...not to say that this isn't a serious post but...you know...it's not about slavery or anything. Anyhoo, I don't have your correct email address anymore so I thought I'd just leave it here (mine is badyouthspeaker@yahoo.com). A link to our podcast can be found at our website ywammodesto.org in the links page...it'll take you to a place you can subscribe. Also you can find us in the itunes store under "part in the middle" for the comedy stuff and "A very Whitler podcast" for the more serious stuff. Have fun and tell me what you think!