Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Hip

Tonight I went with a few friends to see The Tragically Hip. They are one of my favorite bands and to top it all off they are from Canada. They are one of those bands who can sell out a 30,000 seat venue in Canada, but then they come down to the USA and they play theaters. It is great for me as it is way more intimate and I don't have to sit one mile away.

They played this song tonight that took me back to 1994 when I was working with YWAM in L.A. I remember listening to that song on my discman while working in the rain. I remeber how cold it was, how wet it was, what I was thinking and exactly where I was. It was such a wierd and vivid memory. I love when that happens, although it is a bit scary as well. The power of music is strong.

So needless to say, I had a great evening with Amy, my friends and The Tragically Hip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something weird happend today and I don't have your e-mail. I have the YWAM one but I want another. Can you e-mail me?