Monday, March 05, 2007

Leaving town again.

Tomorrow my family and I are headed out of town to Montana. Amy and I are participating in the anual Mission Adventures theme meetings. I am excited about this as it is a great time of getting together with friends and seeking God (however that looks to you) about what the theme of Mission Adventures is going to be for 2008. There is approx. 7000 youth who participate in the Mission Adventures progam in over 30 different locations world wide.

I love being a part of this as I have seen thousands of lives changed as a result of the Mission Adventures program. What is Mission Adventures? Well here is a link to it for you. I love being apart of something bigger than myself. If you have the opportunity to do or be involved in something, anything that is bigger than you I encourage you to go for it as it will change your life.

The dodgeball picture is just there cause we play dodgeball on Monday nights and the YWAM drama I was going to post is to cheesy and defeats the purpose of this post.

1 comment:

carly smith said...

you were in montana??? :( i am so jealous! where were you? lakeside, probably. oh man, i am jealous!